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Aqua Olive

The health guardian of the whole family


Nourish the body

Maintain health

Strengthen body functions

to promote metabolism


Aqua Olive

The health guardian of the whole family

Main ingredient

100% pure olive leaf extract



Adult: Take 3 times daily, 2 teaspoons (10ml) each time before meals. Drink directly or mix with warm or cold water. 
* Suitable for vegetarian *

Capacity: 180ml


Australian organic farm

Cultivation of the "Native Olive Tree" in its natural ecology. Freshly harvested at dawn, they are sent directly to the factory for high-tech extraction within a limited time, so that every drop is pure and unadulterated.


Our Advantage

Superior ingredients​​

Olive leaves have traditionally been used to enhance the immune system, and it’s been named as “The Tree of life” in Australia as its’ source of health in Australia for thousands of years. 

Instant absorption

Conveniently extracted in liquid form where it’s active component such as antioxidants and antimicrobial properties were conserved and provides opportunities for our body to instantly absorb in order to enhance immune system and health accordingly. 


Vitality purest form of extraction

Our Aqua Olive dedicatedly harvest at sunrise and extraction takes place before noon to ensure the very freshest Olive Leaf Extract is bottled.  Free from additives, alcohol, sugar, artificial colors, artificial flavors, and preservatives, assure the highest quality of products.

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